Hole in Head Recovery in Flower horn fish

Flower horn hybrids are highly prone to several diseases particularly Hole in the Head Disease.  The main  cause of this disease still under debate.  some argue that it is due to internal parasitic infection and Nutritional deficiency.  whereas few figure out the presence of activated carbon is the main cause of this disease.

keeping the cause of the disease apart, let us now see how we recovered a flower horn suffered by hole in the head disease.  When customer brought the fish for the treatment, it was having severe bleeding and some part of the muscle in the hump region also smashed.

we cut out the extra hanging flesh part and gave a dip treatment in potassium permanganate solution. we recommended Fish Dr. Paracure, Stress Reducer, Enpr and Xcare to add into the tank.  in addition to that we also gave few immunity booster to fasten the healing process.

customer followed all our instructions and brought back the healed fish.  yes.. Fish has fully recovered. but still scar is remains.

Whenever you face any problem in your pet fish, bring it our attention, we are easily reachable in whatsapp, youtube, instagram, Facebook etc.

watch the full video how we cured the disease.

watch both the videos during and after treatment

During Treatment Process

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKy2NoXsjnM[/embedyt]

After Treatment:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeQDXTuqMcg[/embedyt]